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Ceramic Motor Seal


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  • 泄漏的头垫片。

  • 铝制或铸铁中的头部和块破裂。

  • Coats the Engine and Prevents Formation of Rust and Salt Water Corrosion.

  • 密封冷却系统中的多孔铸件。

  • 停止冷却剂泄漏。

  • Promotes Heat Dissipation for Added Power.


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Ceramic Motor Seal a ceramic engine block sealer is a product to coat all areas of the inside of your engine cooling system. It's important to start with a clean and free of debris system. For this reason it is recommended that you usebeplay官网违法么Irontite Thoro-Flush在用陶瓷电动机密封处理之前,要完全清洁冷却系统。

Be sure to read and follow all the instructions carefully. And once you have completed the application of Ceramic Motor Seal we recommend using Irontite All Weather Seal with your normal Anti-Freeze mixture. All Weather Seal will prevent any future leaks.


Warning:Ceramic Seal与Anit-Freeze不兼容。使用之前,必须删除所有抗冻结。使用冲洗来“清洁”您的冷却系统,并在冲洗后,至少用水冲洗一次。

One bottle treats up to 6 gallons. HD trucks may require additional bottles and smaller systems may use less than the entire bottle.




CAUTION: ALWAYS ALLOW ENGINE TO COOL so radiator cap or top radiator hose can be removed safely.

1.排水和冲洗冷却液系统。(我们建议工业强度beplay官网违法么Irontite Thoro Flush。) Rinse system with water at least once.
2. If vehicle does not have a pressurized radiator cap, remove top radiator hose and fill water and product directly into the radiator from the top hose.
3。Shake Bottle well.如果瓶子的底部有沉积物,请务必将其混合在您的系统中。(没有硬块)如果有超过3/4英寸的沉积物不会混合,则不使用。
4.Fill coolant system with clean water and the appropriate amount of Ceramic Seal based on your cooling system capacity. (1 bottle = 6 gallon system capacity. 3 gallon system capacity = 1/2 bottle)
5.陶瓷密封将有机stain paint and/or chrome surfaces. Wipe any excess from cap and radiator neck.
6. Replace radiator cap or re-attach radiator hose and tighten hose clamp.
9. Leave coolant system open and empty for 12 hours minimum to let Ceramic Seal air dry and cure. A basic hand held hair dryer can be used to speed up and/or improve drying process.
10. 12小时或更长时间的空气干燥后,填充正常的冷却液混合物。
11。We recommend addingIrontite All Weather Seal,以及冷却液混合物,以防止进一步泄漏。



First Aid: Eyes & Skin - Flush for 15 minutes with cool water. Internal ? Take 3-4 glasses of water or milk. Do NOT induce vomiting. Call a physician at once.

Sellador de Ceramica beplay官网违法么Irontite
Advertencia: El Sellador de Ceramica no es compatible con el anticongelante. El anticongelante se tiene que vaciar antes de usar este sellador.
Un bote alcanza para 6 galones. Los camiones heavy duty requieren varios botes.
PRECAUCION: DEJE QUE EL MOTOR SE ENFRIE y remueva la tapa del radiador o la manguera superior con cuidado.
1。Drene y enjuague el radiador y las mangueras. (Recomendamos usar el Irontite Thoro -Flush.)
2. Si El Weariculo no Tiene tiene tapon de radiador,相当曼格拉·雷德迪亚德·雷迪亚德·沃西·恩迪亚迪尔·迪尔·迪尔·伯特·伯特·迪尔·曼格拉·曼格拉·曼格拉·曼格拉·曼格拉·康多·康多·埃尔·阿古拉。
3。Agite bien el bote.
4.Rellene el radiador反对阿瓜limpia y el Sellador Ceramico.
5. El Sellador Ceramico puede manchar las superficies pintadas o cromadas. Limpie los excesos de sellador del tapon y la manguera.
6. Ponga El Tapon O La Manguera del Radiador y Asegurelas。
7. Encienda El Veariculo y Rellene el Readeo de Reserva de Agua。
8. Encienda el motor y dejelo asi durante una hora minimo, o bien use el auto durante 2 dias. Despues drene completamente el radiador.
9. Deje el radiador abierto y vacio por 12 horas minimo para dejar que el Sellador de Ceramica se seque y se cure.
10. Despues de 12 horas rellene con anticongelnte.
11。Recomendamos agregar el Sellador Para Todo Clima Irontite al anticongelante para prevenir fugas a futuro y lubricar la bomba de agua.
Unicamente para uso工业mantengase fuera del alcance delosniños
预防措施:Evite El Contacto Con Los Ojos y La Piel。
预防措施:Evite El Contacto Con Los Ojos y La Piel。Primeros auxilios: Ojos y piel: Enjuague por 15 minutos con agua fresca. Si se ingiere tome de 3 a 4 vasos de agua o leche. No induzca el vomito. Llame a su medico inmediatamente.







4.After circulating the Ceramic Seal for a period of 15-30 minutes, close off both the outlet valve and the return valve.



7. Remove the casting and set it to one side allowing the Ceramic Seal in the interior of the casting to cure.

After a period of time, the Ceramic Seal will cure on the inside of the casting and will serve as an additional seal to the crack. The time required for the seal to set or cure will vary depending on temperature and humidity.

NOTE:当使用irontitebeplay官网违法么陶瓷密封时,它是MANDATORYthat the cooling system be cleaned first to make certain that any anti-freeze or coolant is flushed out and the system is clean.Ceramic Seal IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH ANTI-FREEZE OR COOLANT。Combining them in the cooling system will clog the cooling system.

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  • Model: 468-9120-16
  • 船运Weight: 2lbs

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