


If you notice that your car is starting to overheat, or you notice that there’s no heat at all, something may be wrong. These are issues that should not be ignored, especially if you want your car to live a long and happy life, full of safe trips.


How Will I Know if I Need a Heater Core Flush?


通常,当加热器核心问题本身时,它是由于冷却系统维护不佳。您应该用所有者手册刷新并更换冷却液。这将有助于防止狭窄通道中的污垢,碎片和生锈颗粒的积聚 - 这最终导致堵塞和损坏。

Here are some of those telltale signs:

  1. 你的车似乎没有热身。它运行正常,温度表读取正常,并且没有其他冷却系统问题。除了你转动热量时缺乏热量。
  2. 在你的车里有一个未知,甜蜜的香味。这是冷却液的气味,它可能会轻轻喷洒到你的内部。这是一个预警标志。
  3. 你的窗户雾了。如果您的冷却足够长,它可以涂抹窗户。残留物难以清洁,乙二醇中的呼吸对您的健康非常糟糕。
  4. 某些东西在你的仪表板下泄漏了。If you notice front carpet stains or dripping from under the dashboard, it’s coolant leaking into your car.
  5. 您的发动机运行热。If this is the case, check your coolant level. If it’s running low and your temperature gauge is running high, you’re going to want to get to a mechanic.

如果你不方便,力学,加热器核心replacement can成本高达950美元give or take. Which is why you’ll want to perform regular heater core flushes so that you can avoid the high heater core replacement cost. And breathing in poison.



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If you’re using Irontite products for flushing, coating, and sealing, you’ll want to read the directions thoroughly before beginning this process.




If you’re having trouble, refer to your owner’s manual.


Once you’ve located the heater core and the hoses, disconnect them from the firewall. They’re bound by clamps, which will you’ll need pliers to squeeze or a screwdriver in order to loosen them.



If you were able to get your hands on an air compressor, now is the time to use it. You’ll want to make sure that you hook it up to the outlet hose and seal it with a coupler or some duct tape.

This will enable you to build up pressure, loosening any gunk and tough clogs. You should “pressurize” the heater core for up to ten minutes for the best results. Once enough pressure has built up, you can shut off the compressor. (Caution: Too much pressure could cause damage. Most systems can easily withstand 20 to 40psi so to be safe you don’t want to exceed that much pressure.)



Once everything seems to have drained, you can remove the air compressor and attach the water hose using the same sealing method. Turn on the hose and let the flushing begin.





At this point, it’s not a bad idea to take your efforts one step further and now do a full flush of your entire cooling system using a good quality chemical flush. Irontite Products Thoro-Flush is one of the most powerful of the available flush making it a good choice to get your entire cooling system all cleaned out. Here is a good关于如何冲洗汽车的文章。



这部分可以是一点过程,因为你必须运行你的车,让冷却剂混合物流过系统burping the coolant system。Burping将允许被困的空气被释放。系统中的空气可能导致过热。


Older vehicles need a little more TLC, especially when flushing the system. Irontite offers some of the best flush and sealant products on the market. This includes Thoro-Flush, All-Weather Seal, and Ceramic Motor Seal. You can use them separately, or combined for the best results.

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